工程技术专业人员使用科学原理, engineering, 用数学来解决研究中的问题, product development, manufacturing, marketing, technical sales, services, and maintenance. They play key roles in product development: they might build or test equipment; prepare and conduct experiments; analyze results; build prototype versions of newly designed products and equipment, or conduct research. 其他人从事质量控制工作——检查产品和过程. 如果你输入这个字段, your role will be a vital one; as society becomes more dependent on technology, 对经验丰富的工程技术专业人员的需求将会增加. In fact, the U.S. 劳工部预计工程技术领域的总体就业将会增长, 毕业生将有广泛的职业选择.
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Student Feature
Logan Dewan
Dual MSET and MBA
“我给学生的建议是尽可能多地参与利记sbo提供的实践机会. 这些经历增加了我在事业上取得成功的机会."